So the day has finally come, and in less than two hours, people from all over the world will spend the next 24hours in the name of reading.
I, myself, will start off my readathon in a few minutes, as I simply cannot wait any longer (and I will be passing time just to be able to start at 2pm anyway, so I'd rather just begin!).
My roommate (who will participate without updating his progress on social media) and I have now made snacks (pølsehorn) and I went grocery shopping to pick up some snacks, sparkling water, a bit of liquorice, and fruit. Now I will prepare my first pot of tea, a nice herbal blend, to start off my first reading hours.
The first book I will delve into is "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho which I started on thursday. I have about a 100 pages left, so that should be read fairly quickly.
I hope you will all enjoy this day, and get lots of reading done. I will update this blogpost continuously throughout the whole Read-a-Thon, and lastly I will do a final pagecount to see what I managed to read.
Ready, set, go!
Pages read: 713
The official Read-a-Thon started around 40 minutes ago, but as I mentioned above, I began my reading a bit earlier. And now I have finished my first book of the day, namely "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, which was a tale that took me away on a magical journey. A perfect way to start off the Read-a-Thon, I must say! I gave this book 5/5 stars on Goodreads (to see my account, press
here) - I just simply loved it.
"It's true that everything has its destiny, but one day that destiny will be realized. So each thing has to transform itself into something better, and to acquire a new destiny, until, someday, the Soul of the World becomes one thing only" ("The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, pp, 143)
Now, I will take a small break to figure out what to read next whilst catching a glimpse of how the Read-a-thon is taking form for other readers.
After the small break from reading, where I got a chance to catch up on different blogs where other readers update on their readings, I picked up Saga Vol. 3 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. I really love this series, and the third volume was really amazing as well. I love the artwork and the fantastical world in which the story is set, but I didn't enjoy the third one quite as much as I did the two first volumes. This one was still really good and I enjoyed it a lot, but I ended up giving it 4/5 stars on Goodreads instead of the 5/5 that the others achieved.
After this one fast-paste read, I picked up "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt which I am currently around 450 pages through. I am really enjoying this novel even though I am not quite sure where the story is taking me. But the language is so captivating and even though it is a fairly slow-read book and quite long, I cannot wait to see how it turns out.
Now, I will take another break and prepare some dinner for me and my roommates, but I will return to reading shortly after :-) I hope you are all enjoying the Read-a-Thon as much as I am!
Even though it is not that late yet, my eyes are now heavy and I keep reading the same words over and over again. The last few hours I spend reading a bit further in "The Goldfinch", then I took a break watching a few episodes of
Friends, and then I started my other easy-read book, "The Realm of the Gods" by Tamora Pierce.
Even though I hate to admit it, I think I have to give up reading more tonight. Instead I will go to bed quite soon and get a good nights sleep, wake up early in the morning and continue reading.
I have really enjoyed this day, just being able to read and read and read :-) I hope you're all reading a great book and that you have better luck in staying awake!
It is now the early morning hours of sunday and my alarm clock just sounded as a signal for me to start reading again. It is time for the last few hours of the Read-a-thon, which is a sad thought. I love how social media has exploded with bookish updates the last 16 hours. The invisble bond between booklovers show its face, and it is simply beautiful.
I've slept since around 11pm, where my eyes simply couldn't stay open yet another minute (the yearly Boatrace at Uni taking place on friday might have something to do with that). But now I'm up and ready to continue. But firstly, I will brew a pot of tea and then delve into "The Realm of the Gods" once more. I think an easy-read in these morning hours are the perfect choice.
Did you all manage to stay awake or did you let sleep overtake you?
I just finished my third book of the Read-A-Thon ("The Realm of the Gods") - a lovely reread; a fantasy novel with just the right amount of action alongside the sweetest love story. This series have always spoken to me deeply, and everytime I read them, I get the same warm feeling inside; a feeling of home, dreams, and childhood.
I will now take a quick shower to freshen up a bit while considering which story to finish of the Read-A-Thon with.
There is only 20 minutes left of the Read-A-Thon, and I will stop my reading for now. Lastly, I picked up "The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland And Led The Revels There" by Catherynne M. Valente, which I have been looking forward to read for quite a while now.
It has been such enjoyable 24 hours with literary adventures. The books I chose to read really suited my mood throughout the event, and I am pretty happy with my final pagecount. I have loved following all you booklovers and your progress - it is simply lovely to be able to share a day like this. Thank you all for being a part of these amazing 24 hours! I will evaluate on my experience later after a nap.