20. april 2015

Readathon, Spring 2015

Through various bookish blogs I became aware of Dewey's Readathon that is held 2 times every year, - the next one taking place on Saturday on the 25th of April - and I simply cannot wait! I have not yet been able to participate, so this time will be my first. I'm so happy that I can finally be a part of it as I have no plans whatsoever on Saturday and I'm really looking forward to delve into some great books and spend the 24 hours (more or less) reading, following other participants, etc.

Short explanation of the concept of Dewey's Readathon:
It is basically 24 hours where people from all over the world commit to reading and enjoying bookish quizzes, mini games, etc. whilst following each other on different social media, fx Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can read more about the event on the official webpage here.

I have planned to join in on all the reading fun this time, but I know myself well enough to know that I won't be able to read for 24 hours straight. So my goal is just to have fun and read what I can manage without pressuring myself too much. Basically, I just want to take the day out of my otherwise busy week and just spend it with literary enjoyment - in whatever way it might turn out.

The books I have chosen to read are the following:

  •  I am currently reading "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt, and I'm about halfway through, so this one will be the main book for me during this readathon. I don't think I will be able to finish it, but if I could just get a bit further into it, I would be very content.
  • I still have a few graphic novels I have not read yet, and I will use these when I start getting tired of reading the bigger books, as a fast paste read and as a diversion. The graphic novels I have chosen are the third volume of "Saga" by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples along with the first volume of "Death Note" by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata.
  • Also I have chosen an extra easy-read book, namely "The Realm of the Gods" by Tamora Pierce, which is the fourth book in the series about the girl Daine. I love this series and I read them over and over when I was younger.

I know I probably won't get to finish as much as I hope, but this will be the pile of books that I plan to delve into (it might change later on if I really don't feel like reading any of these in the moment).

On thursday, I will start preparing different delicious snacks and food that can be reheated on the day, so that I don't have to worry about preparing all kinds of things. I just wanna be free to read as much as I possibly can, without having too many obligations.
Also, I will try to update a blogpost on here throughout the day to evaluate and tell you all how far I've come :-)

Are you joining the Readathon? If you are, what are you planning to read? Do you prepare specific things beforehand? And lastly, do you have any tips for a "beginner" in the event? I hope to follow a lot of other book lovers on this day, so if you are planning on using social media in relation to the Readathon, please let me know where to follow you and your progress!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Åh, hvor bliver det hyggeligt! Og 'The Goldfinch' er bestemt ikke den værste bog, man kan begive sig i læsehi med! Jeg glæder mig til at følge dig på dagen, og jeg glæder mig helt vildt til at læsehyggen, der følger med :)

  2. Hvor skønt, at du har mulighed for at være med! Det er bare det mest hyggelige, og selvom man skulle tro det var ligesom enhver anden weekend man bruger på at læse, så er der bare noget helt, helt specielt over Dewey's :)
    Glæder mig til at følge med herinde på lørdag!

  3. Det lyder til at du har nok læsestof at tage fat på!
    Det er mit andet readathon og jeg glæder mig helt vildt :D
